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Dive Into the New Age of Accelerated Analytics

Campaign India Analytics (CIA) supports political parties & candidates in connecting to their constituency, professionalizing campaigns through data-driven analytics, social media, & personal image-building. 

The election strategies devised by CIA through innovative artificial intelligence - machine learning (AI-ML) tools and social media analytics solutions help reaching out to the electorate in multiple touch-points throughout the campaign period. 

CIA has a vision of revolutionizing the campaign management process through data-science support and has developed tools/ algorithms based on AI-ML/ Social Media Analytics.

CIA has been groomed from deep-rooted political conscience of India. It represents desire and inevitability of common India for participating in the democratic political process through perception management, wave generation, and mandate build-up through more informed and educated representation & outreach.

As the world is getting more and more digitalized, the interface through your mobile phone or internet gives immense reach to the Marketers & Campaign Managers to reach you with the help of these AI-ML/Social-Media tools.

CIA leverages over-a- decade experience of developing AI-ML technology through the pioneering work of its founders. These technologies have been successfully employed by the corporate bigwigs in reaching to the last consumer. CIA proposes to use same cutting-edge data science technology to the election campaigns in India! It offers data driven AI-ML solutions along with social media analytics support for on-ground as well as social media campaigns for political parties and individual leaders. 

With background of global management consulting, data driven analytics solution to corporate clients, machine learning, neural sciences, and focus on the politico-economic-social landscape of India, the CIA team engages political consulting, election management, social media campaigns and brand management.

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