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Understanding Campaign India Analytics

  • Campaign India Analytics (CIA) supports political parties & candidates in connecting to their constituency, professionalizing campaigns through data-driven analytics, social media, & personal image-building. 

  • The election strategies devised by CIA through innovative artificial intelligence - machine learning (AI-ML) tools and social media analytics solutions help reaching out to the electorate in multiple touch-points throughout the campaign period. 

  • CIA has a vision of revolutionizing the campaign management process through data-science support and has developed tools/ algorithms based on AI-ML/ Social Media Analytics.

  • CIA has been groomed from deep-rooted political conscience of India. It represents desire and inevitability of common India for participating in the democratic political process through perception management, wave generation, and mandate build-up through more informed and educated representation & outreach.

  • As the world is getting more and more digitalized, the interface through your mobile phone or internet gives immense reach to the Marketers & Campaign Managers to reach you with the help of these AI-ML/Social-Media tools.

  • CIA leverages over-a- decade experience of developing AI-ML technology through the pioneering work of its founders. These technologies have been successfully employed by the corporate bigwigs in reaching to the last consumer. CIA proposes to use same cutting-edge data science technology to the election campaigns in India! It offers data driven AI-ML solutions along with social media analytics support for on-ground as well as social media campaigns for political parties and individual leaders. 

  • With background of global management consulting, data driven analytics solution to corporate clients, machine learning, neural sciences, and focus on the politico-economic-social landscape of India, the CIA team engages political consulting, election management, social media campaigns and brand management.

Our Advantage

  • Social Media Analytics: Using data to understand public conversation: Tap into the social media conversations, and discover what’s being said about the things that matter to you

  • Use Social Science statistical tools to finetune campaign strategies:

    • Cohort Analysis: Demography, Influence Groups, Caste, Class, Ethnic- language

    • Clustering: Segment strategies

    • Interest group identification

    • Influencers : What is the most impactful issue in this Constituency? 

  • Strategy for influencing voters/audience with their core issues

  • Google Analytics/ FB Analytics focused on select group/geographical cluster

  • Mobile  phone triggers

  • Advertisement/Campaign prompts with use of any/all APPs on mobile phones in select geography. We can use this to send Constituency level campaign bytes to voters

  • Automatic reminders to voters/ audience

  • For National, State, & Local Elections

  • For Profile Building of Candidates & Campaigns

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